Collier Legal

Trademark Attorney Services

Helping Businesses Protect Their Brand

Trademark Attorneys

Our trademark attorneys provide a wide range of trademark protection and enforcement services for trademarks and service marks registered through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in addition to other intellectual property protection services. We have experience with USPTO trademark filings including:

  • Standard character applications
  • Special character applications
  • Color mark applications
  • Responses to Office Actions
  • Requests for Extensions of Time
  • Statements of Use and Intent-to-Use
  • Trademark Application Amendments
  • Petition to Revive
  • Notice of Opposition
  • Petition for Cancellation

Trademark searches involve using legal analysis on the availability of a mark based on whether existing marks would create a “likelihood of confusion”.

Trademark applications start the process of registering your mark and protecting your brand.

Trademark prosecution is the process of responding to office actions and getting your trademark application granted.

Trademark infringement is the unauthorized use of a registered mark, and can often be resolved by strategic negotiations or strong demand letters.

As a trademark attorney, Mr. Collier can conduct a trademark search to inform you of the availability of your trademark. 

Opinion on Trademark Availability

Sometimes other trademarks exist that are not the same as yours, but may be close enough to cause confusion and therefore prevent you from obtaining your trademark. Our trademark attorneys can provide opinions on whether a potential trademark or service mark is available for registration. 

Trademark Applications

We have helped clients obtain trademarks in the past through trademark applications. We can do the same for you.

About Me

Attorney Collier started his own law firm straight out of law school and has been practicing law in Ohio for 5+ years. During that time, Joe focused on business law and litigation, gaining some exposure to intellectual property law. While running his firm in 2021, Joe decided to go back to school and get his patent license. Since then, Attorney Collier has been focusing on protecting innovators and entrepreneurs through his expertise in intellectual property and business law.

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