Collier Legal

Experienced Patent Lawyers

Our patent lawyers save clients time and money on patent applications while helping clients get the broadest patent protection possible. We help clients reduce legal risk and exposure when defending against patent infringement claims at the most affordable rates. Our patent lawyers also help clients enforce their patent rights and protect their income potential by pursuing patent infringement claims. The patent services we offer include:

  • Patentability Searches
  • Patent Applications
  • Patent Infringement Services
  • PTAB Proceedings
patent search

Our patent attorneys can save you time and money by conducting a thorough patent search and helping you determine if your invention is patentable. We can also help you determine how broad to draft your patent claims. You will save time and money by avoiding unsuccessful applications, reducing office actions to correct the application, and you will obtain the broadest protection available.

Our patent attorneys help clients file patent applications and progress through patent prosecution until the patent issues. Our attorneys also conduct preliminary patentability searches to help clients get an idea of whether a patent is likely to be eligible for issue.

We can save you time and money by helping you draft an application the right way, avoiding the added time and expense of responding to office actions to correct the application. We also offer more affordable rates and more personal client service than  our competitors.

Patent infringement is an action for a patent holder to prevent another from using or selling an invention without permission. These issues typically involve seeking an injunction to prevent the infringing use and seeking to recover the profits made by the infringing party. Patent infringement is conducted in federal court, and requires experienced patent attorneys to handle properly.  

PTAB proceedings are actions for a patent office to reevaluate a patent, and potentially cancel or invalidate the patent. These proceedings are similar to federal court litigation, but they are conducted with the USPTO’s Patent Trial and Appeal Board. Parties involved in a PTAB proceeding should retain counsel with experience in both patents and litigation.


Trademarks are similar to patents. They require applications with an IP office, such as the USPTO, have hyper-technical procedural requirements, and should be managed by an expert attorney actively engaged in intellectual property law. Although any active attorney can file a trademark, it is best to utilize an attorney specializing in IP, such as a licensed patent attorney. 

Our licensed patent attorneys actively practice before the USPTO in both patent and trademark matters. Our trademark attorneys’ knowledge of the technical requirements of these applications helps clients obtain the IP protection they desire in less time and at an affordable rate.

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