
Collier Legal

How to Check Trade Name Availability: A Step-by-Step Guide

steps to check trade name availability

How to Check Trade Name Availability: A Step-by-Step Guide Navigation Introduction What is a Trade Name? Why Check Trade Name Availability? Steps to Check Trade Name Availability State-Level Checks Federal Trademark Search Domain Name Availability Social Media Handles What to Do If Your Trade Name is Taken Register Your Trade Name Tips for Choosing a […]

The Lanham Act & Trademarks: An Introduction

The Lanham Act & Trademarks: An Introduction Navigation What is the Lanham Act? What does the Lanham Act prohibit? What are the four major Lanham Act violations? What is a common law trademark? What damages are available under the act? What is the burden of proof for trademark infringement? What is the most common remedy […]

When do you actually need a Trademark?

When do you actually need a Trademark? Navigation Introduction What do trademarks do? When are you likely to experience a copycat? When will you create the perception of success? How does this tell us when to file for a trademark? Conclusion Introduction It seems no one has an actual answer to the question of when […]