Collier Legal

Trademarking a Logo: A Comprehensive Guide

Collier Legal Logo

Trademarking a Logo: A Comprehensive Guide Navigation Understanding Trademarks Benefits of Trademarking Your Logo Steps to Trademark Your Logo Costs and Timeframe Common Law Trademark vs. Federal Registration Should you register your name and logo? A logo serves as a visual representation of your brand, making its protection crucial. Securing a trademark for your logo […]

How to Check Trade Name Availability: A Step-by-Step Guide

steps to check trade name availability

How to Check Trade Name Availability: A Step-by-Step Guide Navigation Introduction What is a Trade Name? Why Check Trade Name Availability? Steps to Check Trade Name Availability State-Level Checks Federal Trademark Search Domain Name Availability Social Media Handles What to Do If Your Trade Name is Taken Register Your Trade Name Tips for Choosing a […]

The Lanham Act & Trademarks: An Introduction

The Lanham Act & Trademarks: An Introduction Navigation What is the Lanham Act? What does the Lanham Act prohibit? What are the four major Lanham Act violations? What is a common law trademark? What damages are available under the act? What is the burden of proof for trademark infringement? What is the most common remedy […]

When do you actually need a Trademark?

When do you actually need a Trademark? Navigation Introduction What do trademarks do? When are you likely to experience a copycat? When will you create the perception of success? How does this tell us when to file for a trademark? Conclusion Introduction It seems no one has an actual answer to the question of when […]